Thursday, 26 February 2009

training James Young 8pm Wed 25th feb

The boys had a New Coach - David Burnett

The first training session with him included a Warm up passing drill with 1 ball then onto 2 balls,
Dribbling exercise's. Then onto defending practice back onto passing exercise and finish off with small game 4 v 4 all in then 2 touch warm down & stretches.

There are only 10 games left to play of the season, so hopefully with the help of the new coach the boys will see some improvement and start scoring some more goals.

Tuesday, 24 February 2009

Message from the Manager

1 March 2009 at 10:30 AM
Where - Livi Inn Poznan vs Mid Calder Utd, Craigswood Sports Centre, 10:30 Kick Off Details

Right feckers.

Last week was UNACCEPTABLE all round. This week we will be getting training taken by a full qualified PRO coach...... Well he's worked for an SPL team anyway. If training is successful then we shall be looking for a 100% improvement from the weekend. There will be people dropped from the team and from the squad if they can not continue to improve 1. reliability 2. Performances.See you on Wednesday night @ training details of next game

Sunday 22nd Feb 2009

Croftmalloch Inn v Midcalder Utd - East Whitburn Park

Croftmalloch Inn 6-0 Midcalder Utd

Jamie Joyce--Darryl Baxter--Ian Forsyth--Marc Nelson
Mark Kyle-----Dean Warren----David Innes---Graeme Bishop
-------Andy Anderson---David Philip--------


John Potter on for Mark Kyle on 10 mins
Sam Hewitson on for Graeme Bishop 55 mins
Scott Webster on for Dean Warren 75 Mins

Thursday, 19 February 2009

They Won!!!!

Right the snow is gone and now the boys can get back to playing ......the wee break obv done them all some good though lol

Game Sunday 15th Februday East Calder 10:30 am Midcalder Utd v Craigshill Thistle

Line Up
------------ Scott Webster----------
Jamie --- Toaster--Darryl--Marc
Mark Kyle---Gary--- Innes---Willie Wallace
David Philip-----Sam--

Midcalder Utd 1-0 Craigshill Thistle David Philip with only goal of the game with right footed shot just inside the box in about the 60th minute

Training James Young 8pm Wed 18th Feb Warm up laps, followed buy forward, backward, forward shuttle runs.Then onto fastlap/slow lap for 20 minutes Then passingexercise followed by shooting practice right foot left foot right volley left volley finished off with short game


Creating my Blog

To create my blog I had to go to and click on the create blog button

I had too create a Gmail account to set up my blog

From here i had to Name my blog - Mid Calder United FC (my husbands sunday league team)

Then I added my first post and started to design my blog , fonts , backgrounds etc

Then I added Newsfeeds, a video bar, links, and audio

For the Newsfeeds go to layout and add gadget and click on news and pick your news feed

To add the video bar I went to layout again and then to add gadget then searched for video bar.

To add the links I went to layout , then add gadget then to links and entered the url of the links.

To add the audio we went to gadgets , then scrolled down to HTML/JAVASCRIPT

ADD the name and then paste in your code.

then save your radio feed

Thursday, 5 February 2009

Bloody Snow

Well what a week it has been between the snow, ice and freezing weather...the whole country has went mental lol

So needless to say training was cancelled this week, but hopefully the weather will clear and we will get a game on sunday

Tuesday, 3 February 2009

Free week

Free week this long lies and saturday nights out, all round boys